XLAND Live with the Land 與大地共存
XLAND 是一個提倡輕量旅行,關懷環境的戶外裝備專賣店。
XLAND 經營團隊擁有四十年的戶外專業知識與裝備採購經驗,為大家試用經濟又
We believe that there is a story of nature between outdoor equipment and
XLAND is an outdoor gear boutique that promotes lightweight travel and
cares for the environment, and we also want to alleviate it
Your shoulders and pockets burden while working hard.All outdoor gear is
designed to bring humans closer to nature, and we believe in an ideal
outdoor shop
The meaning is to connect people with the land, so there is XLAND.
With 40 years of outdoor expertise and equipment procurement experience,
XLAND's management team is a cost-effective one for everyone Suitable
outdoor equipment, in a relaxed way to give outdoor enthusiasts professional
advice, encourage everyone to go out of the city, go
Enter the forest, connect with the earth, and then work together to cherish
the living environment.
XLAND Live with the Land 與大地共存
XLAND 是一個提倡輕量旅行,關懷環境的戶外裝備專賣店。
XLAND 經營團隊擁有四十年的戶外專業知識與裝備採購經驗,為大家試用經濟又
We believe that there is a story of nature between outdoor equipment and
XLAND is an outdoor gear boutique that promotes lightweight travel and
cares for the environment, and we also want to alleviate it
Your shoulders and pockets burden while working hard.All outdoor gear is
designed to bring humans closer to nature, and we believe in an ideal
outdoor shop
The meaning is to connect people with the land, so there is XLAND.
With 40 years of outdoor expertise and equipment procurement experience,
XLAND's management team is a cost-effective one for everyone Suitable
outdoor equipment, in a relaxed way to give outdoor enthusiasts professional
advice, encourage everyone to go out of the city, go
Enter the forest, connect with the earth, and then work together to cherish
the living environment.